Boston Legacy Planning

Escaping the Business Trap

Many small business owners, if they can find the time to look up from the daily rush of running the business, will see that:

  • A significant part of their wealth is invested in the business
  • They expect the business to fund their retirement
  • They don’t know how much they need to retire
  • They don’t really know what the business is worth
  • They have no idea what they would do if they left the business
  • They assume, without really checking, that when they want to leave business someone will buy it, or a family member will take it over
  • They believe they don’t have the time to plan properly, and can’t afford a real exit plan – even though they don’t know how long it will take or how much it will cost

If this sounds to you like a train wreck waiting to happen, you would be right. It is not surprising that only about 25-30% of business owners achieve a successful exit from the business. As a result, the owner and the family never enjoy the benefit of the wealth that was locked inside the business.

To escape the trap, an owner needs a plan.

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